jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

San Piter

Ya casi Terminando el 2010, el Agua se empieza a poner más calentita, una de las últimas seciones de este año una tardecita con los amigos en San Piter, Nacho Senzacqua, Otmar Rendic, Punto Vergara, Mario Bertolino, las olas no estaban de lo mejor pero salía algo entretenido por ahí sus derechitas veraniegas. Ojala les guste el cortito de la seción sunsetera.
Camarógrafo Felipe contreras ---->

San Piter from tomas on Vimeo.

los mejores clips del 2010

surfing 2009/ 2010 from tomas on Vimeo.

viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Hawaii se paso

Hawaii increíble, Oahu tiene millones de lugares donde surfiar, alrededor de toda la isla se puede correr, olas de todo tipo, grandes, chicas, olas perfectas para aprender, olas pa progresar , olas de solo tubo, y olas gigantes. si el swell entra sur, este, oeste o norte, se puede surfiar siempre. todas las olas son fondo de reef, el agua tibia y cristalina. Toda la gente surfea es extraño ajajaj toda la familia surfea y tienen su quiver de tablas en la casa, guns , longboards, shortboards. la gente es ultra buena onda en general, todos sonriendo y diciendo Aloha bienvenido a Hawaii.
he surfiado artas olas de en la isla, las mas conocidas fueron en el NORTH SHORE, como Pipeline, Rocky point, Sun set , entre otras.
aca algunas fotos de surfing por charisa Gum

Thanks Halls family for everything when i did stay in Hawaii, this its for us

Brett Simpson

MI ESTACIONAMIENTO DE MI BICI .oooo vamo compa aprovechemo que esta plano decimo que corrimo el Pipeline ahahah
Proximamente en chile ...
mi ciclo via diaria al surfing

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Premiere HOY MARTES 23


“Influencia Visual”. Films que intenta dar a conocer los mejores spot de nuestro país, junto a los mejores rider nacionales. Este lanzamiento se realizará en el Cine Hoyts de Parque Arauco, Santiago. A partir de las 20:00 hrs.

Trailer INFLUENCIA VISUAL (Visual Influence) IV. from cristian merello on Vimeo.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Rocky point

Esta ola es una de las que mas me ha gustado del North shore (HI), siempre esta lleno de gente pero no es tanto como el Piepe que rompe en un solo point, rockys tiene como 3 points es casi un beach breack pero con puros pipelines rompiendo perfectos izquierdas y derechas pero no es arenita, es reefaso

Our Silver Screen

click en el titulo para
echarle un vistazo al nuevo blog del filmarker y Editor Sean Benik

Afternoon in Hatteras from Sean Benik on Vimeo.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

R.I.P. A I


“Wes [Berg, Joel’s trainer] rang me yesterday morning. I had two missed calls back-to-back from Wes so I knew something must be up. When he finally got me he asked if the kids were around. I told him they were and he told me it was best I just walk away from them for a second. Then he told me what had happened. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I went white and I bawled. Right there on the spot. But then I went into shock and I was in this state of shock all day yesterday. A bunch of us went up to the surf club at Snapper yesterday afternoon and had a few beers and cried and told Andy stories. We were talking about when we went over to the desert in West Oz last year to surf and were there for Occ’s birthday. We surfed that righthander, just me and Andy out surfing together. Then we had to sleep in a two-man tent head-to-toe and he complained the whole time because he hated camping. There were so many memories. I remember flipping a chocolate bar in Japan with him for priority in a heat we had together back in 2003. But that was just one… there were a million of them.
“I think I felt worse today than I did yesterday. I woke up this morning and just bawled because it was real now. Yesterday I was numb with the shock of hearing the news, but I woke up today and it was real. I’m never going to see him again. I’m never going to see my friend. He’s gone. I went and trained at the gym Andy and I used to train at, but I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I was waiting for him just to walk through the door.
“I’m really thinking of the guys over in Puerto Rico right now. I really miss them at a time like this, and it must be really hard for the guys who are still in the contest to have to deal with losing their friend but having to keep on surfing. It sucks for the guys still in it, but the contest has to go on. I’m feeling like all this is happening a long way away, and I’m really missing being around my friends on tour.
“I was supposed to be travelling with Andy this year. Before I cut my foot we had it all sorted out that I was going to be travelling with him for the rest of the year, through California, Europe and Puerto Rico. I was going to be travelling with him and Freddy [Patacchia] and we were all going to be hanging out together as this little team. And we were already talking about travelling together next year, taking the girls and the kids to Tahiti. The thought of him dying alone in a hotel room just wrecks me.
“As a surfer he had that mad dog in him. He wasn’t afraid of anything, and wore his heart on both his sleeves. He was the most emotional surfer I’ve ever seen. He had that unbelievable aggression in his surfing, and he became one of the best. I idolised him. If Andy put his mind to it there was nothing he couldn’t do on a wave, and over the years I’ve seen him do some of the most incredible things on the most incredible waves. He and Kelly, between them, have owned surfing for the past 10 years.
“When I was talking to Mick [Fanning] on the phone yesterday I said to him that I think I understand now how he must have felt when his brother, Sean died, because Andy was like a brother to me. He was one of my best friends. You know what I liked about Andy? He remembered everyone. He had this ability to remember faces and names and people in places he hadn’t been to in a decade. People meant everything to him, and he made everyone feel special. You didn’t need to be a professional surfer. He’d meet so many people over the years in all the places he’d been, but he’d remember their names and he had time for all of them. He had that quality. He got involved in people’s lives and took an interest in people’s lives. It didn’t matter who you were. And I know he died young, but he lived his life to the fullest, and what he did in 32 years would take most people 132 years.
“My heart goes out to Lyndie, his son, Bruce, his family, his Hawaiian crew and everyone around the world he reached out to.
“Andy was a king; a king of surfing.
“Love you, mate.”

El día de ayer nos dejo uno de los mejores surfistas del mundo un ídolo de muchos por su estilo de surf único, no lo creía pero fué así...
Andy se encontraba muy enfermo en Puerto Rico, Fiebre brutal por el DENGE. tomaba rumbo de vuelta a Hawaii Y asiendo escala EN DALLAS (TEXAS, USA) muere en el hotel esperando el proximo vuelo.
Ahora me encuentro en North Shore Oahu toda la gente esta muy triste en todos lados se comenta la mala noticia, las malas lenguas dicen que no fue el Denge causa de su muerte, pero solo rumores.
Lo que mas duele, Su esposa tiene 7 meses de embarazo...
Hoy amaneció nublado lloviendo, el mar horrible, gigante, desorganizado y triste, es un día de luto para el surf mundial, nos dejas pero te mantendremos vivo por siempre.
rip ai

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Fotos florida,

Algunas fotos de florida surfiando, por Chase.
Puedes ver mas fotos acá

nuevas naves

yep, definitivamente me voy cambiar mi nombre a THOMAS, ahahah

3 tablillas CHANNEL ISLAND, en Chile las consigues en 7veinte, están increíbles, ahora a probarlas!